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Writer's pictureMaria Clara Alves

Labor Sexism - Inequality at work

There’s a lot of backgrounds in Labor Market, lot’s of nationalities and different cultures and also different visions. That causes sometimes a shock between women and men.

There is a wrong idea that women cannot do the same as man. Gender Inequality is like a puzzle. We must try to put the pieces in the right place. It’s not easy, mostly when hiring is the main goal.

Women still earn less at least 20 to 30% than men in several countries, mostly Europe, except if they work in state bodies, because the law requires it.

But in private companies there’s men and women in different levels. Gender and pay equality, equal opportunities do not actually exist.

However, since it is no longer fair, the important thing is to understand why in a mixed work environment, with both women and men, a company can be more productive, healthier, happier and even more fruitful.

There are several types of Sexism.

“Ambivalent sexism is a theoretical framework which posits that sexism has two sub-components: "hostile sexism" and "benevolent sexism". Hostile sexism reflects overtly negative evaluations and stereotypes about a gender (e.g., the ideas that women are incompetent and inferior to men). Benevolent sexism represents evaluations of gender that may appear subjectively positive (subjective to the person who is evaluating), but are actually damaging to people and gender equality more broadly (e.g., the ideas that women need to be protected by men). For the most part, psychologists have studied hostile forms of sexism. However, theorists using the theoretical framework of ambivalent sexism have found extensive empirical evidence for both varieties. The theory has largely been developed by social psychologists Peter Glick and Susan Fiske.

Sexism, like other forms of prejudice, is a type of bias about a group of people. Sexism is founded in conceptualizations of one gender as being superior or having higher status than the other gender in a particular domain, which can lead to discrimination. Research has indicated that stereotypes about socially appropriate gender roles for women and men are a driving factor in the endorsement of sexism. Patriarchy, defined as men's power and "structural control over political, legal, economic, and religious institutions", is a feature of sexism and is related to hostile attitudes toward women. Anthropological research suggests that patriarchy is pervasive among the majority of human societies, such that women have been systematically discriminated against, oppressed, and marginalized by men throughout history. Sexism maintains patriarchal social structures and reinforces prescribed gender roles.

Typically, sexism is thought of as hostility toward women, perpetrated by men. However, both women and men can (and often do) endorse sexist beliefs about each other and themselves. In other words, men can express sexist attitudes about women or men, and women can express sexist attitudes about men or women.”

(very interesting this description in:

But in fact, sometimes Sexism can be very hostile.

So, how to bring balance?

Theories aside, in my simple but grounded opinion, the fact is that even in the 21st century there is this injustice, this gender discrimination at work and consequently impacting the lives of general society.

Why do I think equality at work between men and women is healthy and recommendable?

A survey by McKinsey & Company states that over 75% of CEOs report that gender diversity is a top priority in their organization, and more and more companies are making public commitments to achieve gender equality in leadership. Despite this initiative and all the achievements, women still experience demotivating situations when we think of the world scene. It is known that they still occupy less than a quarter (24%) of all senior positions in the world, equivalent to an increase of only 3% since 2011. And when it comes to women-held board functions, the quotient overall drops to 15%, according to research by Grant Thornton and Deloitte, respectively.

One of the reasons why the numbers remain unbalanced is unconscious discrimination within the companies themselves, which still maintains non-inclusive and prejudiced cultures with female employees. In addition to constant complaints from female workers around the world about sexual harassment, many also feel disregarded for promotions towards underperforming male colleagues and report systematic pay disparities.

Describing the numbers, such research shows that gender-balanced teams create stronger, smarter, and more innovative companies. When teams, whether leadership or workforce, reflect the diversity of the world's population, made up of almost 50% female people, it is easier to reach the maximum potential of your employees. By combining people's unique perspectives, experiences, and skill sets, teams are able to solve problems more effectively and creatively, increasing performance and making companies more profitable.

It is absolutely necessary to demasculinize society and once and for all accept that women inspire men, that men inspire women, whether at work, at home, or in social life in general.

Women must also be convinced that it is not only because they are women that they should have the same opportunities as men. Competence, tolerance and capacity is required.

Sex and gender are not the same thing. Good thing there are men and women and it is this difference that makes the balance.

Women have the same responsibility in this subject as men and must be aware that equality should not be confused with privilege, otherwise, we women, would be making the same mistake as many men.

More and more men are performing roles that were typically assigned to women and women are performing roles assigned to men.

We just have to readjust and everything will be much easier. People change and everything around them must change - for the better. We are free to choose where and with whom to work, I think.

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