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Writer's pictureMaria Clara Alves

Web Writing - The power of "The Inverted Pyramid".

Did you know that:

81% of internet users read the first paragraph of information on the web, against 32% who normally read until the 4th paragraph - a study by the Nielson Norman Group ( )?

It appears that Internet users spend only 19.7% of their time exploring content below the waterline (

But does this mean that Internet users do not read long pages? Not at all. ClickTale says that, regardless of the length of the page, Internet users still explore the pages, whether they are long or short (

The clickthrough rate is higher at the top of a page.

Internet users' desire to explore is driven by the strength of the top of a page. There is the so-called #inverted #pyramid #technique that increases your chances of your page being read in its entirety.

You should never reserve the best for the end, as in this case, it is exactly the opposite.

The inverted pyramid technique, a concept released by the Luxembourgish Yellow Dolphins, says that the editor, journalist, decides to reveal the essential information at the very beginning of the publication. It is a concept of writing that goes straight to the point without further delay. Only then does he release the details. That is the trend.

The most consistent and revealing words of the subject should be placed immediately in the heading of the title or paragraph (because the beginning of a paragraph strongly affects your reading rate; and the first twelve characters of a title absorb the first eye fixation and constitute a true hook).

The mobile web also greatly expands the need for inverted pyramid writing, given that the amount of information displayed above the waterline is significantly reduced in this case.

It all comes down to keywords, meaning the inverted pyramid displays your keywords right away. This holds the reader. Google gives more weight to the top of the page in its indexing mechanics. This phenomenon is called "keyword highlighting".

How many keywords does Google SEO weigh? There are several opinions. Some say 10, others 100, others more. The important thing to remember here is that the editor should insert the essential keywords, with connection to the theme.

And in terms of search engines? What happens at the level of web arborescence?

Their robots, called "crawlers", follow web links, crawling websites to index their content, managing their energy. Therefore, "crawlers" more easily crawl crawled pages, not deep ones. =D

It looks simple! Not so much!

We must avoid texts that are too classic and conventional in the web, and follow the inverted pyramid principle. Therefore, legal, protocol, scientific or school texts, etc. are less likely to be read on the web.

The so-called surprise or "suspense" effect, in this case, is just a myth to follow that rarely works in web writing, except in some special situations.

The writing plan using the inverted pyramid works and helps the writer to raise awareness of his writing plan, its structure. It is therefore advisable to use the 5W(in english) or QQOQCCP methodology in French (Quoi, Qui, Où, Quand, Comment, Combien, Pourquoi - also called the questioning method, that is a problem-solving tool with an almost exhaustive list of information on the situation - searched in Wikipedia). This technique is complementary to the principle of the inverted Pyramid.

The strength of capture! Long articles have a greater reference potential than short articles. They generate more incoming links and more easily switch to favorites.

The details are important and make a difference, as long as they do not overload the primer / initiator.

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